IBEX Masters

Empower your space with timeless beauty


Noblesse Oblige

The von Stetten tradition of art patronage is rooted in the principle of Noblesse Oblige. It traces back to the 16th century when families like the House of Fugger and Medici supported great masters like da Vinci, Michelangelo and Botticelli in a similar way.


IBEX Masters is reviving and porting this tradition into the 21st century by nurturing the very best artistic talent alive, knowing that today, they are writing the art history of tomorrow.

our mission

In Pursuit of Perfection

In the realm of refined taste and elegance, only the very best artists hold the power to touch the human soul. With our commitment to supreme craftsmanship and artistic virtuosity, we present a body of artwork that transcends the borders of time, space, and human intellect.

Our carefully curated collection is pushing the boundaries of the exceptional. Immerse yourself in a world of beauty and sophistication, and elevate your surroundings to new heights of luxury and refinement.

our collection

The IBEX Masterpieces

Discover the pinnacle of exquisite elegance and sophistication with our IBEX Masterpiece collection. 

The artists we collaborate with are meticulously chosen from all around the word. Each individual painting that is awarded the title of IBEX Masterpiece is a rare gem that often has been years in the making. 

It is our dedication to sublime quality and exclusivity that makes these artworks a rare and coveted possession.

our pledge

A new Renaissance

Art has the power to enrich other people’s lives and stimulate growth. Art is a window into the values, beliefs, and emotions of a society, and a source of endless inspiration and discoveries.

This is why we will continue to support our IBEX Masters and our apprentices, providing them with the financial means, time, and mental space so they can continue to create deeply meaningful works that captures everything it means to be human.

The world of IBEX

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We invite you to explore and immerse yourself into the exclusive world of IBEX Masters. Let’s celebrate sublime artistry, together.