In Pursuit of Perfection

IBEX Masters

With more than 300 paintings under curation, the IBEX Collection is the largest privately owned collection of superrealistic, ultra-contemporary and figurative art. Inspired by the passion of Count Albrecht von Stetten, the main collection resides at the IBEX headquarters in Germany, near Munich.

From birth, humans are wired to observe the micro-expressions in other people’s faces in order to read their thoughts and emotions – sadness lurking behind a brave smile, for instance. Besides self-awareness, this understanding of others is key in human-to-human connections.

The IBEX philosophy is grounded on the thesis that only artists with razor sharp skills, a deep understanding of human nature and superior craftsmanship can define, process, and express these almost subliminal subtleties of their subjects. Capturing micro-expression requires not only the highest level of technical skill, but also a still mind and freedom from the pressure of deadlines.

The time that is required to create one single piece of art at this level is considerable and more often than not, this can introduce financial problems for the artists. This is why the IBEX Collection actively supports artists of proven technical skill from all over the world, providing them with the financial means, time, and mental space to create deeply meaningful works that capture everything it means to be human. IBEX collects art that resonates to people.